Searching for Glory
A historical novel based on the
life of Joseph Smith.
Mark Fouyer

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The Man Who Would Be Prophet
Joseph Smith was a man of many contradictions. He was a gifted visionary who founded a new religion but was also a convicted con man. He was a loving husband and father, but he was also accused of adultery and practiced polygamy with more than thirty wives. He was a charismatic leader but a flawed human being.
This novel explores the life and times of Joseph Smith through the eyes of historical and fictional characters who knew him best. We meet his wife, Emma, who was his most ardent supporter and, at times, his most vocal critic. We meet his brother, Hyrum, who was his closest confidant and his most trusted advisor. We meet his enemies, who saw him as a dangerous heretic and did everything they could to stop him.
As we follow Smith's journey from humble beginnings to tragic end, we come to understand the man behind the myth. We see his ambition, his courage, his faith, and his flaws. We see the forces that shaped him and the forces that ultimately destroyed him.
This is the story of a man who changed the religious world, for better or for worse. It is a story of faith, of doubt, of love, and of betrayal. It is a story that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.
Mark's newest book, Searching for Glory, is in the final editing stages and should be released soon. Mark's history as an almost lifelong member of the LDS church gives him a unique look at the life of Joseph Smith. He spent over fifty years of his life being taught and believing the story of the church's founding. Only after losing his faith did he discover hidden and whitewashed parts of the history that the church hides.
This novel will take you on a journey through Joseph Smith's life. After hours of research and discovery, Mark writes this book as an unbiased onlooker. The book takes place during Joseph's last week on this earth. In a series of memories and flashbacks, you'll follow Joseph through his early scrying with his peep stone through the events culminating in his death. You'll journey through his life from his point of view and the point of view of other prominent figures in his life.
While no one can prove that Joseph Smith made up his story and unusual claims, it is easy to show an incredible amount of evidence that suggests he did. When you follow the timelines and the actions we know he took, it doesn't come together in the way the church tries to teach everyone it did. If you can accept that assumption, you will enjoy reading this book and learn new things as you unlearn old things, all while taking an enjoyable journey into the mind of a self-proclaimed prophet, seer, and revelator.
If you have ever wanted an honest book about Joseph Smith written and published, you can help make it happen. Download the book's first three chapters, and check for updates and more information.
About Mark Fouyer
Mark Fouyer lives in Utah. He was born into a faithful Mormon family in 1957. He grew up in the church and served in numerous church callings. Starting around 2009, Mark found some disturbing facts about the church's history and started down a path that led to his leaving the church in 2012. When you grow up in a high-demand religion, it shapes virtually everything about your life. Your beliefs influence decisions, and it shapes your entire life.
Mark spent thousands of hours reading and researching everything about his lifelong religion. In the end, the only conclusion he could come to was that it was not at all what it claimed to be. Once you go through that process, you have to rebuild your life. Everything you were taught and took for granted is gone. It is a complicated and arduous process that disrupts almost everything.
For Mark, coming out on the other side has had many benefits. "You learn to look at problems and issues in a new light. You are now free to decide for yourself what is right or wrong. It is liberating. The struggle was real, but the newfound freedom is worth the journey."
Mark and his wife, Dawn, have five beautiful children together. The children are all married to wonderful spouses. They have eleven grandkids who they adore. Family time is frequent and essential. They live in the south end of Utah County in a quiet neighborhood with great friendly neighbors. They have a dog Charlie, who is part of the family, and you can see them daily taking Charlie for walks around the area. They also have a Gecko named Huckleberry (it's a long story).
Mark loves pickleball. writing, cycling, taking walks, and music. He owns a Recording Studio and a Disc Duplication Company. Mark has written hundreds of songs and produced three albums of his material. He looks forward to the following stages of his life as he navigates it with a newfound freedom.